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N. Uchral, Minister of the Digital Development and Communications: The Government is one. It is necessary to achieve an unified result by working together and coordinating. Today, we will jointly solve the problems facing the digital transformation and develop our systems and infrastructure in a coordinated manner


The consultation meeting on "Cooperation of Government Institutions in the Implementation of Digital Transformation" was organized today /4th Nov, 2022/ by the initiative of Mr. N.Uchral, Minister of Digital Development and Communications, with the aim of improving the coordination and cooperation of government agencies and strengthening partnerships in digitizing government activities, intensifying the e-transition of the sectors, and ensuring the implementation of a set of laws on digital transformation.

In his opening speech, Mr. N.Uchral, Minister of Digital Development and Communications said: The main feature of the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications is to ensure cross-sectoral coordination and support the introduction of information technology advancements in each sector. As for me, I see myself as an anti-bureaucratic Minister in charge of digital development. In order to successfully implement the e-transition, the cooperation and coordination of activities of government agencies is the most important. A set of laws has been passed to support e-transition. It is necessary to intensify cooperation in ensuring the implementation of these laws.

Information systems used in the are not compatible with each other, there are no common requirements and standards, there are many differences in understanding, insufficient cooperation, and the implementation of rules and regulations that exceed the law slows down the e-transition. Therefore, in order to implement the following action, it was emphasized that the cooperation, coordination, and reformation of the operational process of government institutions are very important.
📍Eliminate regulatory barriers
📍To jointly solve the problems faced by the e-transition of the sectors
📍To develop systems and infrastructure in a coordinated manner
📍Creation of national cloud infrastructure
📍Improve the use of ERP in government organizations and introduce a shared system for exchanging official documents
📍Transfer state services to operator mode and carry out management reforms
📍Creating opportunities for stable work of competent human resources in the field of information technology in the public service
📍In order to introduce the standards of smart province and city
Delegates from all the ministries as well as around 70 government institutions took part in the event, and they made speeches and presentations about the implementation of e-transition policies and plans of the sector, the current situation and problems.
The Ministry of Digital Development and Communications closely cooperate with other ministries, such as cooperating with the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development on the addressing issues as well as to establish an information technology special zone, with the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs to submit a set of laws to eliminate duplication of 169 laws and remove the barriers of rules and regulations, to introduce a digital medicine registration system in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, and to introduce the E-Business platform in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development, and also in cooperation the Deputy Prime Minister to develop and approve the common standard of the public services.



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