Ази, Номхон далайн орнуудын сансрын хамтын ажиллагааны байгууллагаас санхүүжүүлэх төсөл хөтөлбөрийн санал хүлээн авч байна. No Priority Areas Domain Budget Duration 1 Understanding the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Aerosol Components in the Asian-Pacific Region Using Satellite Remote Sensing Technology Space Science A 1-3 Years 2 Regional Mechanisms for Space Weather Monitoring and Forecasting Space Science A 1-3 Years 3 Space environment monitoring by using Lower Earth Orbit/Suborbital Spacecraft such as high-altitude pseudo satellite (HAPS) Space Science B 1-3 Years 4 Space Debris Mitigation and Space Situational Awareness Space Technology Application B 1-3 Years 5 Earth Observation for Environmental Monitoring: Air pollution, Forest Monitoring, Land motion etc. Space Technology Application A 1-3 Years 6 Development of Space Qualified parts for satellites based on the cutting-edge space technologies Space Technology Development A/B 1-3 Years 7 New generation of Ground Station Network Space Technology Development B 1-3 Years 8 Space Propulsion Systems for small satellite Space Technology Development A/B 1-3 Years 9 Cubesat Competition for Future Generation Space Education Development A 1-3 Years 10 Interdisciplinary education within the scope of space sciences, basic sciences and engineering disciplines in the scope of space Space Education Development A 1-3 Years 11 Hands-on training on use of artificial intelligence in data mining of huge dataset of satellite imagery Space Education Development A 1-3 Years 12 Disaster monitoring and Post-Disaster Assessment by using space-based earth observation data for flood, forest fire, oil spill etc. Disaster/ Emergency Management and Environmental Monitoring A 1-3 Years 13 SAR Satellite Data Usage for Monitoring Disaster/Emergency Management and Environmental Monitoring A/B 1-3 Years A-less than 500K USD; B- between 500k to 1000K USD; Төсөл хөтөлбөрийн санал хүлээн авах эцсийн хугацаа: 2024 оны 12 дугаар сарын 28-ны өдөр ЦХИХХЯ-ны Сансрын холбооны хэлтэс, 104 тоот Холбоо барих хаяг: Утас: 51-265104 Цахим шуудан: fr@mddc.gov.mn, Цахим хөгжил, инновац, харилцаа холбооны яам