Mongolia will cooperate with JICA on the Project for Development of Human Resources in Cybersecurity and Related Advanced ICT”


The Detailed Planning Survey Team of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Mongolian Government, and other stakeholders are collaborating on the Project for Development of Human Resources in Cybersecurity and Related Advanced ICT. Today, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Electronic Development and Communications, B. Bolor-Erdene, Director of the University of the Academy of Sciences Chuluunbandi represented Mongolia in the project implementation agreement with Ide Hiroyuki, JICA’s head of the Detailed Planning Survey team leader.

Projects priority actions include:

  • Raising cybersecurity awareness among citizens
  • Promoting Child Online Protection (COP)
  • Conducting technical training and seminars targeting IT professionals in government agencies and Critical Information Infrustracture related entities.

The parties will also work together to strengthen Mongolia's cyber security, create a digital society, and improve the country's digital competitiveness.

The project will be implemented by the Mongolian side through the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications, the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, the Academy of Management, the National University of Mongolia, the University of Internal Affairs, the National Data Center and the E-Mongolia Academy.


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